
Wreaths have been gifted and hung for many years. In the heart of winter an evergreen wreath can hold the promise of brighter days to come.

The word itself derives from a middle English word, ‘wrethe’ meaning to ‘twist’ flowers or leaves into a ring.

The ring shape itself is a very powerful shape, symbolising eternity and eternal life. So it’s no surprise that it appears throughout history in various guises, the wreath being just one form.


Through the Ages

Worn as headbands, wreaths were a symbol of power and importance in ancient Persia. Olympians were given wreaths by the Ancient Greeks and Romans hung them in their doorways to celebrate victory.

Later Christianity used the wreath symbolize Christ, life and love without end or beginning. In Christian churches across the world you’ll find these wreaths decorated with three candles and another at the centre, to be lit on Christmas Eve, representing the arrival of Jesus Christ.

Power of the Seasons

The power of a living floral wreath to evoke the power of the seasons over winter, life over death and light over dark is what has given these beautiful decorative items such longevity.

Pagans believed that holly had magical properties and believed it to be sacred. Some argue that holly’s green leaves and red berries are why we associate these colours with Christmas. So, of course holly often features heavily in wreaths today.

Today’s Festivities

But today’s wreaths are often more about form than substance. They brighten any doorway, welcoming visitors to enjoy the festive season and anything goes!

Lucy at Shrinking Violet Bespoke Floristry creates beautiful, bespoke wreaths to celebrate the festive season. You can see some of her beautiful creations here and more in the festive wreath section of our on-line shop. Everything we sell is unique, and our festive flowers are no different. If wreaths are not quite to your liking, don’t despair. Have a chat with Lucy and she’s bound to come up with something stunning for your door, wall, table, welcome desk, restaurant, office or centrepiece!


Of course we are also able to supply remembrance wreaths because Christmas is a time for family and not all of them can be with us.